Welcome to Transportation

Steve Kirwan - Supervisor of Transportation
Veronica Herrera - Administrative Assistant
Phone: 847-336-8997
Email: transportation@d56.org

● All students must board the bus at their assigned pick-up stop on a consistent five (5) day a week basis.

● Students shall be at their assigned pick-up bus stop five (5) minutes before the scheduled time.

● Proper behavior is expected at the bus stop. Students must stay off the road, but be visible to the bus driver and wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before boarding.

● Proper behavior is expected while on the bus. For detailed information regarding School Bus Conduct, please review the Transportation section of the Parent Student Handbook (found on the D56 Website).

● Buses will drop students off at their assigned drop-off location on a consistent five (5) day a week basis. For Kindergarten and younger students, a designated adult must be present at the bus stop to pick up the student from the bus.

● Routes will not be altered without the permission from the Transportation Director. If you have a concern regarding your student's bus stop, please contact the Transportation Office.

● The driver is in charge at all times students are on the bus, including during emergency situations.

● If a pick-up or drop off change needs to be made for your student, please email the request to returningstudent@d56.org and transportation@d56.org at least two (2) days prior to the requested change date.

● Please refer to the Parent Student Handbook for additional information regarding transportation policies and procedures.